Core Beliefs


Roger is a fiscal hawk when it comes to spending your money.  During his first term in the State House, Roger voted for, and passed, one of the largest tax cut in SC history.  During his first year on County Council, he authored one of the first reductions of your County taxes in over a decade.  He did not vote for a millage increase while on Council and has advocated for, and demanded, the “let the people decide” approach to tax increases.  Roger feels that if you’re going to take the peoples' money, you need to get their permission. 

Education is a Priority

Roger believes that our schools should offer the highest quality education possible. To do this, they must be properly funded, staffed and evaluated. Teachers, like our other public servants such as first responders, should be paid in-line with the importance of their profession. The Upstate has been blessed with great schools and some of the best teachers available. He will ensure that our schools have the resources to continue to hire the brightest and the best so that our kids enjoy greater odds of success.  Roger will continue to ensure that our children are not being indoctrinated by the "woke" culture that is so pervasive in our society today.  

"...Shall Not Be Infringed."

Roger has taken the Oath of Office to uphold the Constitution of The United States.  He understands that the 2nd Amendment is important now for the same reason it was added originally.  Roger stands by the truth that We, The People, have the right to protect ourselves and our families.  That's why he believes that we should continue to ask ourselves "Why would government want to disarm the People?"


Law Enforcement and First Responders

Roger is a staunch supporter of our First Responders and Law Enforcement.  Roger understands that they are one of the few core functions of government and must be fully funded to ensure the safety and security of the free people!  


Volunteer Form

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Roger Nutt

For State Senate

